# Method Draw Method Draw is a web based vector drawing application. **Use [Method Draw](https://editor.method.ac) online.** ![Method Draw](https://method.ac/assets/editor.png) The purpose of Method Draw is to provide a simple and easy-to-use SVG editor experience. It purposely removes some features such as layers and line-caps/corners in exchange for a more simple and pleasant experience. If you are looking for a more complete vector editing open-source solution, please check out SVG Edit [SVG Edit](https://github.com/SVG-Edit/svgedit). ## Development Develop and run a local web server under `src`; ``` cd src python -m SimpleHTTPServer ``` ## Build Install dev dependencies: `npm install` Then you can build into `dist` by running: `gulp` Deploy `dist` to your static file server of choice. ## Release notes **2020.08.02** File clean-up and gulp build implemented **2020.08.01** Project thawed **2015.01.01** Project frozen **2013.01.01** Project forked from SVG-Edit Sponsor development in the form of [one-time donations](https://method.ac/donate/), or by hiring me to customize Method Draw for your own needs (only simple 2-20 hour projects). Method Draw is Copyright (c) Mark MacKay [mark@method.ac](mailto:mark@method.ac) Published under an MIT License. Enjoy.