MD.Panel = function(){ $('#canvas_height').dragInput({ min: 10, max: null, step: 10, callback: editor.canvas.changeSize, cursor: false, dragAdjust: .1 }); $('#canvas_width') .dragInput({ min: 10, max: null, step: 10, callback: editor.canvas.changeSize, cursor: false, dragAdjust: .1 }); $('#rect_width') .dragInput({ min: 1, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#rect_height') .dragInput({ min: 1, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#ellipse_cx') .dragInput({ min: 1, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#ellipse_cy') .dragInput({ min: 1, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#ellipse_rx') .dragInput({ min: 1, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#ellipse_ry') .dragInput({ min: 1, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $("#image_height") .dragInput({ min: 1, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); 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$('#line_x1') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#line_x2') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#line_y1') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#line_y2') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#path_x') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#path_y') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#rect_x') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#rect_y') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#g_x') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#g_y') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#image_x') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#text_y') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#text_x') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#image_y') .dragInput({ min: null, max: null, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: false }); $('#rect_rx') .dragInput({ min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: true }); $('#stroke_width') .dragInput({ min: 0, max: 99, step: 1, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: true, smallStep: 0.1, start: 1.5 }); $('#angle') .dragInput({ min: -180, max: 180, step: 1, callback: editor.changeRotationAngle, cursor: false, dragAdjust: 0.5 }); $('#font_size') .dragInput({ min: 1, max: 250, step: 1, callback: editor.changeFontSize, cursor: true, stepfunc: editor.stepFontSize, dragAdjust: .15 }); $('#group_opacity').dragInput({ min: 0, max: 100, step: 5, callback: editor.changeAttribute, cursor: true, start: 100 }); $('#blur') .dragInput({ min: 0, max: 10, step: .1, callback: editor.changeBlur, cursor: true, start: 0 }); $('#position_opts .draginput_cell').on("click", function(){ svgCanvas.alignSelectedElements(this.getAttribute("data-align")[0], 'page'); }); $('#stroke_style').change(function(){ svgCanvas.setStrokeAttr('stroke-dasharray', $(this).val()); $("#stroke_style_label").html(this.options[this.selectedIndex].text); }); function show(elem) { $('.context_panel').hide(); if (elem === "canvas") return $('#canvas_panel').show(); if (elem === "multiselected") return $('#multiselected_panel').show(); const tagName = elem.tagName; $("#" + tagName + "_panel").show(); $('#stroke_width').val(elem.getAttribute("stroke-width") || 0); const dash = elem.getAttribute("stroke-dasharray") || "none" $('#stroke_style option').removeAttr('selected'); $('#stroke_style option[value="'+ dash +'"]').attr("selected", "selected"); $('#stroke_style').trigger('change'); $.fn.dragInput.updateCursor($('#stroke_width')[0]) $.fn.dragInput.updateCursor($('#blur')[0]) } function updateContextPanel(elems) { var elem = elems[0]; const isNode = svgCanvas.pathActions.getNodePoint() // If element has just been deleted, consider it null if(!elem || !elem.parentNode) elem = null; const multiselected = elems.length > 1; var currentLayerName = svgCanvas.getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayerName(); var currentMode = svgCanvas.getMode(); if (currentMode === 'pathedit') { $('.context_panel').hide(); $('#path_node_panel').show(); $('#stroke_panel').hide(); var point = svgCanvas.pathActions.getNodePoint(); $('#tool_add_subpath').removeClass('push_button_pressed').addClass('tool_button'); $('#tool_node_delete').toggleClass('disabled', !svgCanvas.pathActions.canDeleteNodes); if(point) { var seg_type = $('#seg_type'); point.x = svgedit.units.convertUnit(point.x); point.y = svgedit.units.convertUnit(point.y); $('#path_node_x').val(Math.round(point.x)); $('#path_node_y').val(Math.round(point.y)); if(point.type) { seg_type.val(point.type).removeAttr('disabled'); $("#seg_type_label").html(point.type == 4 ? "Straight" : "Curve") } else { seg_type.val(4).attr('disabled','disabled'); } } $("#panels").removeClass("multiselected") $("#stroke_panel").hide(); $("#canvas_panel").hide(); return; } var menu_items = $('#cmenu_canvas li'); $('.context_panel').hide(); $('.menu_item', '#edit_menu').addClass('disabled'); $('.menu_item', '#object_menu').addClass('disabled'); //hack to show the proper multialign box if (multiselected) { const multi = elems.filter(Boolean); elem = (svgCanvas.elementsAreSame(multi)) ? multi[0] : null if (elem) $("#panels").addClass("multiselected") } if (!elem && !multiselected) { $("#panels").removeClass("multiselected") $("#stroke_panel").hide(); $("#canvas_panel").show(); } if (elem !== null) { $("#stroke_panel").show(); var elname = elem.nodeName; var angle = svgCanvas.getRotationAngle(elem); $('#angle').val(Math.round(angle)); var blurval = svgCanvas.getBlur(elem); $('#blur').val(blurval); if(!isNode && currentMode != 'pathedit') { $('#selected_panel').show(); $('.action_selected').removeClass('disabled'); // Elements in this array already have coord fields var x, y if(['g', 'polyline', 'path'].indexOf(elname) >= 0) { var bb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([elem]); if(bb) { x = bb.x; y = bb.y; } } x = svgedit.units.convertUnit(x); y = svgedit.units.convertUnit(y); $("#" + elname +"_x").val(Math.round(x)) $("#" + elname +"_y").val(Math.round(y)) if (elname === "polyline") { //we're acting as if polylines were paths $("#path_x").val(Math.round(x)) $("#path_y").val(Math.round(y)) } // Elements in this array cannot be converted to a path var no_path = ['image', 'text', 'path', 'g', 'use'].indexOf(elname) == -1; if (no_path) $('.action_path_convert_selected').removeClass('disabled'); if (elname === "path") $('.action_path_selected').removeClass('disabled'); } var link_href = null; if (el_name === 'a') { link_href = svgCanvas.getHref(elem); $('#g_panel').show(); } if(elem.parentNode.tagName === 'a') { if(!$(elem).siblings().length) { $('#a_panel').show(); link_href = svgCanvas.getHref(elem.parentNode); } } // Hide/show the make_link buttons $('#tool_make_link, #tool_make_link').toggle(!link_href); if(link_href) { $('#link_url').val(link_href); } // update contextual tools here var panels = { g: [], a: [], rect: ['rx','width','height', 'x', 'y'], image: ['width','height', 'x', 'y'], circle: ['cx','cy','r'], ellipse: ['cx','cy','rx','ry'], line: ['x1','y1','x2','y2'], text: ['x', 'y'], 'use': [], path : [] }; var el_name = elem.tagName; if($(elem).data('gsvg')) { $('#g_panel').show(); } if (el_name == "path" || el_name == "polyline") { $('#path_panel').show(); } if(panels[el_name]) { var cur_panel = panels[el_name]; $('#' + el_name + '_panel').show(); // corner radius has to live in a different panel // because otherwise it changes the position of the // of the elements if(el_name == "rect") $("#cornerRadiusLabel").show() else $("#cornerRadiusLabel").hide() $.each(cur_panel, function(i, item) { var attrVal = elem.getAttribute(item); //update the draginput cursors var name_item = document.getElementById(el_name + '_' + item); name_item.value = Math.round(attrVal) || 0; if (name_item.getAttribute("data-cursor") === "true") { $.fn.dragInput.updateCursor(name_item ); } }); if(el_name == 'text') { var font_family = elem.getAttribute("font-family"); var cleanFontFamily = font_family.split(",")[0].replace(/'/g, ""); var select = document.getElementById("font_family_dropdown"); $('#text_panel').css("display", "inline"); $('#tool_italic').toggleClass('active', svgCanvas.getItalic()) $('#tool_bold').toggleClass('active', svgCanvas.getBold()) $('#tool_italic').toggleClass('disabled', fonts[cleanFontFamily] ? !fonts[cleanFontFamily]["Italic"] : false) $('#tool_bold').toggleClass('disabled', fonts[cleanFontFamily] ? !fonts[cleanFontFamily]["Bold"] : false); $('#font_family').val(font_family); $(select).find(`option[value=${font_family}]`).prop("selected", true); $('#font_size').val(elem.getAttribute("font-size")); $('#text').val(elem.textContent); $('#preview_font').text(cleanFontFamily).css('font-family', font_family); } // text else if(el_name == 'image') { setImageURL(svgCanvas.getHref(elem)); } // image else if(el_name === 'g' || el_name === 'use') { $('#container_panel').show(); $('.action_group_selected').removeClass('disabled'); var title = svgCanvas.getTitle(); } } menu_items[(el_name === 'g' ? 'en':'dis') + 'ableContextMenuItems']('#ungroup'); menu_items[((el_name === 'g' || !multiselected) ? 'dis':'en') + 'ableContextMenuItems']('#group'); } if (multiselected) { $('#multiselected_panel').show(); $('.action_multi_selected').removeClass('disabled'); menu_items .enableContextMenuItems('#group') .disableContextMenuItems('#ungroup'); } if (!elem) { menu_items.disableContextMenuItems('#delete,#cut,#copy,#ungroup,#move_front,#move_up,#move_down,#move_back'); } // update history buttons if (svgCanvas.undoMgr.getUndoStackSize() > 0) { $('#tool_undo').removeClass( 'disabled'); } else { $('#tool_undo').addClass( 'disabled'); } if (svgCanvas.undoMgr.getRedoStackSize() > 0) { $('#tool_redo').removeClass( 'disabled'); } else { $('#tool_redo').addClass( 'disabled'); } svgCanvas.addedNew = false; if ( (elem && !isNode) || multiselected) { // update the selected elements' layer $('#selLayerNames').removeAttr('disabled').val(currentLayerName); // Enable regular menu options $("#cmenu_canvas").enableContextMenuItems('#delete,#cut,#copy,#move_front,#move_up,#move_down,#move_back'); } } = show; this.updateContextPanel = updateContextPanel; }